Category: Journalism

Home Journalism
Utah Investigative Journalism Project Awarded Top Honors at State Journalism Competition

Utah Investigative Journalism Project Awarded Top Honors at State Journalism Competition

  The Utah Headliners Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists awarded The Utah Investigative Journalism Project several awards for 2018 reporting, including the state’s top investigative reporting prize at its annual banquet last night. Project founder and reporter Eric Peterson was awarded the Don Baker Investigative Reporting Award for the two part-series “Who Killed...

Own Your Democracy

Own Your Democracy

There’s an old saying that “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting its shoes on”—that was a saying true to the last century. Nowadays a lie has circled the globe dozens of times and been clicked, shared, liked, and re-shared again millions of times while the truth is...

Let’s Turn Over Some Rocks and See What Crawls Out

Let’s Turn Over Some Rocks and See What Crawls Out

I am excited to introduce to you The Utah Investigative Journalism Project, the first of its kind in Utah—a nonprofit dedicated to producing, publishing and supporting in-depth, watchdog journalism. The kind of journalism most expensive for newsrooms to create, and perhaps most important for Utahns to see, hear and read about to be informed and...