This month we’re holding a summer membership drive and we’re looking to recruit 500 new “muckrakers” who will commit to a $2 monthly donation to The Utah Investigative Journalism Project.
Of course larger monthly donations are also welcome, and can easily be arranged by the click of a button through the PayPal link on our site that you can find HERE.
You don’t even need a PayPal account to donate–after you click on the PayPal button just selection the option to pay with a debit or credit card and make sure to click the box “To Make My Donation Monthly.”
This year we’re also excited to offer a special gift to new monthly donors who contribute at least $5 a month–a free copy of the book Citizen Reporters with a signed bookplate from author Stephanie Gorton.
The book is a stirring tale of the rise of the “muckraking” investigative journalists of the gilded era. Led by the mercurial publisher S.S. McClure pioneering reporters like Ida Tarbell helped expose the evils of the robber barons of the era like Standard Oil’s John D. Rockefeller.
We’re also hosting a virtual event with the author of the book and King’s English Bookshop, July 9, at 6 p.m. Sign up for that event here.
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