Beer and Loathing Trivia Fundraiser at Made in Utah Festival Aug. 24

Home Events Beer and Loathing Trivia Fundraiser at Made in Utah Festival Aug. 24
Beer and Loathing Trivia Fundraiser at Made in Utah Festival Aug. 24

The Utah Investigative Journalism Project is excited again to take part in The Made in Utah Festival. This month we’ll be hosting another bar trivia fundraiser focused on local and national election trivia.

Our Beer and Loathing on the Campaign Trail Trivia will be held at the festival on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 2-4 p.m. The festival is being held at The Gateway Mall at 400 W. 100 South, Salt Lake City.

The trivia competition will be in the VIP section. Click here to purchase tickets. But as a VIP you can participate in the trivia for free (space allowing). Trivia will be in two rounds one on local Salt Lake City and statewide elections (and local news issues) and one round the national presidential race (and the national issues).

Teams up to five will be allowed and there will be cash prizes for First and Second place winners.

If the local and national politics makes you need a drink, come out and join us–you might also win a little cash and help out our nonprofit!



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